Elite Announce Journey To Net-Zero Carbon Status

Elite Plastics are proud to announce that the company is on a journey to achieve Net-Zero Carbon Status over the coming years meaning it will become one of the very first UK based extrusion, printing and conversion operations to achieve such a feat. This is to ensure Elite Plastics continues to be pioneers in the industry. It means that polythene products made by Elite Plastics for it’s customers will carry a reduced carbon impact. This is especially important for customer CSR goals and objectives that are looking to reduce carbon footprints as a business and in their supply chains.

Several years ago Elite Plastics identified the need to reduce the carbon emissions of the company and started the journey to net-zero carbon by developing a long term Low Carbon process optimisation strategy involving technology and behavioural changes within the company.

Elite Plastics have been applying Science Based Targets so that the company can closely monitor the climate change impact of its activities and to then be able to quantify the scale of any improvements in energy efficiency and accurately account for the CO2 and GHG emissions reduction achieved. In 2020 Elite Plastics introduced a comprehensive energy monitoring and management system called SEE Change. The company is also developing Carbon Footprinting Accounting and Reporting (CFAR) to measure GHG emissions for Scopes 1, 2 and 3.

Elite Plastics has been investing and is continuing to invest regularly and significantly in carbon reduction activities with further major projects set for completion in 2022 such as on-site renewable energy generation.

Elite Plastics is proud to be doing it’s bit to reduce it’s carbon impact. For more information about our journey to Net-Zero please do not hesitate to get in touch.